Crossing the Finish Line: Graduation

2 min readNov 13, 2022

Who would have thought that I would graduate this year? I certainly didn’t. There were times when I felt like giving up and thought that I would never make it to graduation. But here I am, a bachelor’s degree holder.

When I reflect on my journey, it’s almost surreal to imagine that I made it to this point. Living was already hard, and I almost couldn’t finish my thesis on time. With each passing day, I tried to remind myself of my goals and why I started this journey in the first place.

But make no mistake, the journey was far from easy. There were moments when it felt like I was walking through hell, and I questioned whether it was all worth it. The pressure to succeed was overwhelming, and the fear of failure felt suffocating.

I didn’t give up (thankfully). I sought help when I needed it and relied on my support system to keep me going. Even when it seemed like everything was working against me.

And now, standing here with my degree in my hand, I can say with certainty that it was all worth it. The feeling of accomplishment and pride is indescribable, and I know that I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

As I move forward into the next chapter of my life, I know that there will be more challenges to face. But I am confident that I can overcome them.

I learned that it’s okay to ask for help when you need it. Sometimes, we can’t do everything on our own, and it’s important to have a support system to rely on. Whether it’s friends or family, having people who believe in you and your goals can make all the difference.

I also learned that failure is not the end. There were moments when I failed at something, but I didn’t let that stop me from moving forward. I learned from my mistakes and used them as opportunities to grow and improve.

So to anyone who is struggling to make it to graduation, know that you are not alone. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and to feel like giving up, but don’t let that define your journey. Keep pushing forward, seek help when you need it, and most importantly, believe in yourself. You can do it, and you will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment like no other when you finally reach the finish line.

Keep fighting, keep pushing, and know that the finish line is also within your reach.

*P.S. Although my graduation is scheduled for November 26th, I’m feeling like writing it right now, lol.




Is attempting to write again in the midst of chaos while navigating love and grief.