Starting Medium

1 min readOct 29, 2021

Talking about starting Medium, I’ve had this thought about writing but I don’t know which platform to use. I’ve used Tumblr, Blogspot, WordPress, Weebly, and other platforms before, so I’m thinking of starting fresh with a new platform to write. And my pick is Medium.

As I grew up, I felt the urge to write whenever I feel something or when ideas popping into my head. But I’ve stopped doing it for long because I feel stuck. The words gets lost and I can’t seem to explain the emotions I feel. It was (and still is) hard for me to drudge up all the emotions I stuffed down as an adolescent. But I’m trying to get my head back and to start writing again.

Since I will used this page to pour out all my emotions into words, and as a form of therapy. It’s not gonna be well-written and all, so, yeah.

With that said, see you on another post.

Stay healthy.




Is attempting to write again in the midst of chaos while navigating love and grief.